6 Best Foods for Cold and Flu
When you or your loved one has flu, the last thing you may feel like doing is eating. Honestly, when you have a cold or flu, it is fine to eat less as your appetite declines, but you still need to consume the right food to ensure that the body has the energy to fight the disease. Here, we discuss the best foods to feed a cold and flu.
1. Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea consumption has long been associated with an increase in the body’s antibacterial activity. This tea can help you sleep better and guards your immunity. A study involving postpartum women who consumed chamomile tea depicted a better sleep quality than women who did not consume it. You can sip iced or hot chamomile tea, or you can take the steeped tea as a liquid for oatmeal or smoothies.
2. Ginger
When you wish to overcome flu or cold, one of the best foods you can seek refuge in is ginger. In a study by the International Journal of Preventative Medicine, it was found that ginger has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, and they help combat flu or cold. More so, since inflammation can hamper the immune system response, having this anti-inflammatory food can be good for your immunity.
3. Orange
Orange is a prime source of vitamin C. It is a great food to pick when you are feeling under the weather. Following the study conducted by the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, it was found that vitamin C is one of the best dietary inclusions to prevent the common cold and flu.
4. Yogurt
In case your flu or cold comes along with a sore throat, you need to add yogurt to your diet. The creamy and smooth texture of yogurt can be incredibly soothing. Moreover, the live culture in it has immunity-boosting properties and probiotics, which are great to help you recover faster. Also, yogurt has protein in it, which provides the body with all the energy and strength to ensure that you do not feel wiped out.
5. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is one of the best foods to feed a cold and flu. It is easy to make and very satiating. Moreover, it is a good fiber source. The prebiotic fiber in oatmeal can help provide healthful bacteria to your body. Including banana in the oatmeal adds to the fiber and vitamin content. It can work wonders for you when you have flu symptoms, such as diarrhea, fever, and vomiting, or if the electrolyte and potassium levels in the body are depleted.
6. Coconut water
Coconut water is also one of the best foods to feed a cold and flu. It is an excellent potassium, chloride, and sodium source. Drinking it can replace the electrolyte lost during diarrhea, vomiting, and sweating.