6 Foods That Can Aggravate Migraines
All of us have experienced a headache at some point, but migraines are usually more intense. A migraine causes moderate to severe throbbing or pulsing pain, and it often affects one side of the head. It may be accompanied by other symptoms like nausea, weakness, and sensitivity to light and sound. In addition to medicines, certain dietary habits can help manage the condition. Here are some foods to avoid for managing migraines:
1. Aged cheese
Approximately 9-18 percent of people with migraines experience sensitivity to aged cheese, and experts believe the high tyramine content to be responsible for this. Tyramine is a compound formed when bacteria break down the tyrosine amino acid during the aging process. This compound is present in yeast extract, wine, and processed meat products, but its composition in aged cheese is the highest.
Tyramine levels are higher in people with chronic migraines than in healthy people or those with other headache disorders. Additionally, aged cheese has histamine, which is another migraine trigger.
2. Caffeinated foods and beverages
Consuming too much caffeine can trigger migraines. On the other hand, suddenly eliminating caffeine from your diet can also result in migraine attacks if you’ve been consuming it regularly. So, ease off the caffeine intake slowly if it is responsible for triggering migraines.
3. Red wine
Studies suggest that alcohol is one of the top foods to avoid for people with migraines as it can dilate blood vessels in the brain and cause headaches. Red wine has been particularly considered a migraine trigger, but it may not affect everyone the same way.
4. Citrus fruits
Though eating fresh fruits helps maintain overall health, citrus fruits are best left out of your diet if you’re struggling with migraines. That said, some people suggest that fruits like grapefruits, oranges, limes, and lemons are not the most prevalent triggers for a migraine attack. So, you can try an elimination diet to see if it brings any changes and add them back to your diet if they don’t cause any harm.
5. Chocolate
Chocolate has beta-phenylethylamine and may trigger a migraine attack upon consumption. Additionally, it has tyramine and caffeine, which can aggravate a headache. If you have a sweet tooth and cannot do without it, try out different amounts and kinds of chocolates to see which ones trigger migraine attacks. This will help you understand how much is too much and which chocolates to stay away from.
6. Processed meat
Food additives can also cause migraine attacks in some, and processed foods are the culprits in such cases. Processed meat can prove extremely harmful as it has high amounts of sodium nitrates, which are among the leading causes of migraine attacks. Processed meats like salami, bacon, hot dogs, and lunch meats are among the top foods to avoid for managing migraines.