6 Natural Treatments for Wrinkles
As we age, our skin begins to naturally produce less and less collagen and elastin, proteins responsible for retaining taut, youthful skin. With less collagen and elastin comes thinner skin that’s more prone to dehydration, environmental damage, and toxins that cause fine lines, sun spots, crow’s feet, and other age-related skin woes. Luckily, there are many natural tricks when it comes to slowing prematurely aging skin:
1. Coconut oil
It’s hard to beat coconut oil as an all-natural skin remedy. In addition to moisturizing skin and acting as a helpful barrier to the outside world, it’s also useful against everything from wrinkles to dermatitis. This is due to the way that it encourages collagen replenishment. As you might already know, collagen plays an important role in the elasticity in your skin, and this is something you definitely want. It’s old, sagging skin that creates grooves and lines in your face. Try using a coconut oil mask to rejuvenate your skin once again.
2. Aloe vera
You might be familiar with aloe vera as a cooling, soothing ingredient for burns and rashes, but it has many skincare properties beyond that. Wrinkle reduction is one of them. It contains more than a dozen vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that can hydrate, brighten, cleanse, and support collagen production in your skin. There’s also some evidence to suggest that it can fight off the free radicals associated with aging. Last but not least, you can find aloe vera in countless skincare products, so it’s one of the most accessible home treatments for wrinkles.
3. Wear sunscreen
Sun damage is one of the quickest ways to age your skin, so if you want to stay youthful, sunscreen is an absolute must. It doesn’t matter how many serums you apply if you’ve damaged your skin on the molecular level. The good news is that it’s easy to find cheap and effective sunscreens for every budget. While the expensive products will come with more benefits, even the supermarket brands can protect you from skin-damaging UVA and UVB rays. You can also find sunscreen already built into foundations, lip balms, and other cosmetics.
4. Egg whites
That’s right, you can use this kitchen essential to combat aging skin. This is because of the protein and collagen content of egg whites: they’re good for increasing firmness, reducing oils, supporting flexibility, and defending against things like wrinkles and crow’s feet. Like the other ingredients on this list, they’re also quite versatile in terms of application. You can buy or create all kinds of skincare products containing egg whites.
5. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is the main ingredient in many skincare products. You can find it in everything from moisturizers to anti-aging creams to masks for eye bags. Not only is it an essential nutrient for overall health, but it’s also been clinically proven to reduce wrinkles. Studies have shown that three months of continued vitamin C intake can improve the appearance of fine lines around the face and neck.
6. Facial massage
A good facial massage can stimulate the blood flow to your skin, giving it a healthier, more youthful glow. Better circulation can also reduce things like inflammation, which is a common culprit in making wrinkles look worse. You can visit the spa for a professional massage or learn how to stimulate your own pressure points at home. You can also invest in beauty tools like jade rollers to cool your skin, reduce puffiness, and encourage new cell production.