Best Foods for Ulcerative Colitis Patients
Ulcerative colitis is a health condition that is highly influenced by the diet of a person. Knowing which foods to eat can help avoid flares and make your symptoms better. Also, some foods can help avoid a ulcerative colitis flare. Here, we have mentioned a few food items that you can consider eating if you have this condition.
Here are the best foods for ulcerative colitis patients.
1. Refined Grains
Patients suffering from ulcerative colitis usually find it hard to digest whole grains. Hence, switching to cereal, bread, and pasta made from refined grains. You can also opt for bland items like cooked white rice if it is difficult to consume most foods.
2. Probiotics
Yogurt is a good choice to add to your daily diet if you are suffering from ulcerative colitis. It contains live bacteria known as probiotics that help in digestion. Regular consumption of probiotics can reduce the symptoms and flares of ulcerative colitis. You can also choose probiotic supplements if you are lactose intolerant or do not prefer eating yogurt.
3. Applesauce
This is one of the best foods for ulcerative colitis. However, try to avoid its consumption during a flare. Applesauce is soft, easily digestible, and a good source of nutrients. Make sure to choose unsweetened versions as the excess sugar can result in inflammation. It can be made at home by peeling and slicing up apples, cooking it in some water, and making a puree out of the mixture.
4. Avocados
This fruit consists of various nutrients and healthy fats that can be helpful to your body when you are suffering from ulcerative colitis.
5. Fluids
Ulcerative colitis patients are often asked to increase their fluid intake. This is because diarrhea caused during flares will result in dehydration. When you are dehydrated, your symptoms might worsen. Drink fruit juices that do not have pulp or prune, as these are higher in fiber content. Alternatively, you can mix equal parts of sports drinks and water and drink it. This combination can provide your body the essential electrolytes and carbohydrates.
6. Cooked Vegetables
Vegetables like spinach and carrots contain essential nutrients like Vitamin A and Vitamin K along with fiber. As ulcerative colitis patients should avoid high-fiber content foods, these vegetables need to be properly cooked before they can be eaten. Hence, they will lose all their fiber but the necessary nutrients remain.
7. Canned and Ripe Fruits
Fruits are full of fiber, but ripe and soft bananas do not cause much harm and provide carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to your body. Other fruits you can include in your diet include canned peaches and pears.