Signs and Symptoms of Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a viral infection that can cause liver inflammation and serious liver damage if left unchecked. Hepatitis C virus transmits through infected blood. Most people show no signs and symptoms of Hepatitis C. But in most cases, an infected person may experience fatigue and nausea. Upon detection, the doctors may prescribe antiviral medication. However, it is important to recognize these warning signs to seek timely treatment. Read on to know more.
Early signs of hepatitis C
1. Fever
The most common early sign of HCV is a low-grade fever that occurs due to the presence of the virus in the body. Getting tested at this stage can lead to early detection.
2. Fatigue
When the body is infected by a virus, the immune system starts to fight the infection. It is due to this relentless fight with the infection that one feels inexplicably tired and fatigued.
3. Loss of appetite
Hep C affects the liver, making one feel nauseated and disrupt the taste buds as well. As a result, many people experience loss of appetite when they are infected with HCV.
4. Stomach cramps
Hep C infection affects the liver that is located in the upper half of the abdomen. As a result, it can lead to stomach cramps and abdominal pain. If you experience consistent pain in your abdomen, you must visit your doctor immediately.
5. Yellowing of skin and eyes
As discussed before, HCV attacks the liver, thereby affecting its ability to function properly. An infected liver is unable to process the yellow excretions released following the breakdown of red blood cells. As a result, the eyes and skin start to appear yellow. This is one of the most common early warning signs and symptoms of hepatitis C.
Symptoms of hepatitis C
1. Ascites
Hep C can make the belly retain fluid that makes it appear swollen in the stomach area. One may even look pregnant, regardless of their age or gender. Additionally, the wrists and ankles may also start swelling up. This condition is known as ascites that occurs due to cirrhosis, an advanced stage of liver disease that can be triggered due to the hepatitis C virus.
2. Bruising and bleeding
Hep C virus can damage the liver and affect its ability to produce adequate proteins that are responsible for clotting. Therefore, one may bleed and bruise easily. If you find yourself bruising more frequently than normal, you must discuss it with your doctor immediately.
3. Hepatic encephalopathy
When the infection reaches advanced stages, one may experience drowsiness, slurred speech, and confusion. This condition is known as hepatic encephalopathy. It happens due to toxin buildup in the bloodstream.
4. Swelling in the legs
Chronic hepatitis C may lead to edema that can cause swelling in the legs due to fluid buildup and retention.
Hepatitis C is a serious condition but is completely treatable if detected in time. Keep an eye out for these warning signs and get yourself routinely tested.